Alize Bleu Passion 700ml
Don't get lost in this marvellous blue... or if you do please take a sip of it first! This blue elixir is a fruit liqueur of a special kind: Alizé Blue Passion. The name says it all as the French brand always creates its liqueurs with a high level of passion. That really pays off, which can be demonstrated by the fact that the deceased rap legends Biggie Smalls and 2Pac could not get enough of those tasty drinks!
For Bleu Passion the brand not only uses the usual premium cognac as a high-proof basis but also finest vodka from France. The vodka is distilled with clear spring water from Cognac and afterwards filtered through a layer of charcoal, thus giving a certain kick to the liqueur. Juices of ginger, passionfruit and cherry top off the tasting experience and make Alizé Bleu Passion a vital basis for long drinks and cocktails!